Hey Friends – Take a Hike
Our Silver Falls “goat hikes” have been a big hit this summer. I have several openings for goat hikes in August. We take groups of up to 10 for a gentle 3 mile hike through the woods in Silver Falls State Park. The hike starts at the Howard Creek Horse Camp, meanders about 2 miles to Smith Creek Village. Rest there while taking in a goat cheese and pepper jelly snack that Kristi prepares (it’s yummy). And then finish the last mile back to the camp. The goats carry our snacks and gear, enjoy nibbling everything they can get their lips on along the trail, kick up their heels and have as much fun as we do. Take a break from the heat and enjoy the cool air, beautiful mountain wildlowers, heavily forested trails and some fun-loving goats. Price is $35 per person. It’s about a two hour trip. We can meet at RKS Farms and caravan or we can meet in the park. Times are 11am – 2pm. Contact me – call or text 503-509-8006.
Dates Available . . .
Sat Jul 26 – SOLD OUT
Sat Aug 03 – SOLD OUT
Sat Aug 10 – SOLD OUT
Sat Aug 17 – 10 spots available
Sat Aug 24 – 06 spots available
Sat Aug 31 – 10 spots available
Make your reservation in our online store. We accept credit and debit cards.
Goat Hikes are found under RETAIL MEMBERS.
This is Repeater
One of our many pack goats. These are full size dairy goat wethers (a non-functional buck goat) that are saddled up to carry camping and backpacking gear. Pack goats are wonderful back-country companions. They will eat just about everything along the trail and in camp, so you have no need to pack food for them. They are great foragers. They do NOT need pasture. They are very happy browsing brush and vines. They can carry around 25 lbs each. So typically each person has two goats each to carry their load. And if you want more gear, just add another goat to the train. Goats can hike anywhere, so don’t be concerned if you’re planning a hike over rough, steep terrain. They will probably be out front.